ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博licy for procurement
The JAE Group has established the ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博licy for procurement as follows in order to conduct procuring activities.1. Transparent, just and fair dealings
ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博 have dealings with suppliers parties and relevant parties on an equal, just and fair ground without using its superior status, by way of providing an opportunity for fair competition to all companies who wish to have dealings with the Group by sending out information on the procurement in a timely manner.2. Selection of suppliers based on just and fair evaluation
With respect to the selection of the suppliers, the Group will make selection and revision by evaluating, at any time,theポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot;management status,ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot; ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot;Observance of lawポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot; and ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot;consideration to the human rights and the safety and health,ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot; and also the management status of the ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot;quality,ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot; ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot;price,ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot; ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot;delivery scheduleポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot; and ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot;environmentポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot; of the suppliers.
3. Promotion of ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot;Green procurementポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot;
Based on the ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot;Green procurementポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博uot; guidelines of the JAE Group, the Group will verify the environmental management system and control status at the suppliers and relevant parties, and conduct its procuring activities in order to minimize an environmental load throughout the entire supply chain.
4. Establishment of optimal partnership through mutual understanding and trust with the suppliers.
ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博 recognize the importance of the communication with the suppliers and relevant parties, and shall strive toestablish a relationship to contribute for mutual development based on a good partnership.
5. Compliance with domestic and international laws and ordinances as well as all prescriptive social norms, and the blocking-off of relations with antisocial forces
ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博 conform to related laws and ordinances and all prescriptive social norms regardless of countries and regions, and shall block off relations with the antisocial forces in order for the sound procuring activities.
6. Consideration to the human rights as well as to the safety and health
ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博 always give consideration to the human rights and the safety and health in conducting its procuring activities, and shall strive to conduct procuring activities in a sound, safe and hygienic work environment.
7. Proper management and protection of information
ポーカー ゲーム 機 賭博 understand the value of information that we learn in the course of its procuring activities, and shall manage and protect it with its proper management systems.