Amount of CO2 emitted by テキサス

Green Procurement

Status of Green Procurement

♦Activities in fiscal 2015 (Result of activities)
トランプ 用語U RoHS Directive has increased the number of restricted substances, from six to ten. In addition, REACH regulations currently apply to over 160 substances, and this will increase in the future. Every year the regulations with regard to chemical substances contained in products become ever-more severe.

To deal with the four additional substances restricted under the RoHS Directive, JAE formed a working group to review raw materials, including those in the supply chain, production processes and system management.
In addition, JAE is undertaking the following initiatives with the support of its suppliers in order to manage materials that contain chemical substances and to establish a framework for environmental preservation.
♦Initiatives by the トランプ 用語oup
(1) Certification of Environmental Advisors

Since fiscal 2004, JAE has been implementing a system of environmental advisors who are responsible for confirming トランプ 用語nvironmental quality of suppliers. These environmental advisors receive specific training, and only those that pass an exam are certified. In fiscal 2015, JAE certified advisors as follows.

*Newly certified advisors: 30; advisors with updated certification: 80 (Tenured: About 230)

As a result, some 340 Environmental Advisors in Japan and overseas had checked トランプ 用語nvironmental quality of suppliers around the world as of March 2016.

Trends in environmental quality confirmation activities (estimates)
FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015
Environmental advisors
(no. of persons)
320 330 330 340
Confirming of environmental quality
(actual no. of companies)
380 400 410 430

(2) Establishment of an environmental quality control system

The JAE Group is installing x-ray fluorescence spectrometers at plants in Japan and overseas to be used in both incoming and outgoing inspections. In building this control system, JAE seeks to ensure that items that may cause harm to トランプ 用語nvironment neither enter nor leave its premises.

In addition, in order to provide information to customers, and as proscribed by law, JAE maintains a proprietary environmental database of information on materials that contain chemical substances.
(3) Environmental quality audits

To determine whether or not トランプ 用語 carrying out appropriate and efficient management of the chemical substances contained in products, environmental advisors use the JAMP-published "Guidelines for the Management of Chemical Substances in Products" check sheet, once a year conducting a confirmation audit.
(4) Communication with Business Partners

The cooperation of business partners, including the supplying of chemical constituent data, is indispensable to improving environmental quality, and that requires the building of system based on mutual trust.

In fiscal 2015, JAE once again held a New Year's Party as an opportunity for communication aimed at building relationships that mutually strengthen ties with its business partners. JAE is also working to forge strong partnerships, such as holding a Procurement Policy Orientation for its main business partners.
トランプ 用語
Photo 1: Environmental Advisor Education
トランプ 用語
Photo 2: Procurement Policy Orientation